Fifteen years ago, my husband and two children came home with a box of beer, just box no beer, inside were two little kittens. Could they be Penny’s litter? but she had been spayed even before we left Saipan, she had known only two other neutered cats from my in-laws’ house and of course I just wanted to be funny to have thought of that. The resemblance was not just uncanny, it was so cute!
No matter how adorable these pandacats were, I could only imagine the additional work I had to do. I ordered my husband to bring them to his parents’ yard where they could live since my mother-in-law has other cats who just come and go but were provided meals and snacks and even vet’s care as needed. Yet before I knew it, higher in command kids had already took possession of the newly arrived felines in the house that I could only clean after their poo and pee on our very floor while chasing them away as they fray the curtains crawling up to all directions, or leaving every bit of pieces in the house in total disarray. Their human dad though was a professional toilet trainer so they easily acquired potty manners in one week-end in their own loo. Penny never liked them so they just had to have their own separate space and stuff, all in our “Little Condo in the Archipelago”. Now I have to take care of three four-legged creatures plus three two-legged ones, my family just got larger in the land of the rising sun.
it didn’t last long