My Family

and the family grew larger

Penny, Mini, Poochee. Our family had been blessed with the addition of black and white cats who had brought us so much joy in the every day that they lived with us. Early this year, Poochee Baby crossed the rainbow bridge. I will carry on her role in this website and keep our Pandacats alive in the heart.

Bancho Muffin

When pressed for time, as moms always are, this quick to prepare afternoon snack guarantees that whiff of goodness (banana, dark choco and brown sugar) that pull kids noses to the kitchen. It still is a favorite.

Passed Out

drunk cat
“must’ve sniffed the slipper”
Categorized as cat strip

Turtles to keep

V WE CARE TURTLES “Pag” was once a real Green Plush sea turtle but his kind is now extinct, which means they had already disappeared from the world. We can only find them now as stuffed toys. There used to be a lot of them but many people intentionally and unintentionally harmed them until no…

Turtle in a snap

III ORIGAMI: SIMPLE TURTLE How about some paper turtles? (you can use any square sheet of paper) My turtle won’t snap “Try to Catch Me” music by Reed Matthis

Categorized as Paper Fauna

Tortoise, shapes, and salt

II TORTOISE AND SALT PAINTING Would you like to make a Turtle and Salt Painting? Here you can watch how to draw a tortoise ( just the front/2d): You can proceed to the step by step instruction or watch this video first: Fun in the Sun music by Chris Haugen Steps: The salt on your…

Foot Chill

cat foot lazes from a string
“pull when dinner is ready”
Categorized as cat strip